SABIO-RK: Integration and Curation of Reaction Kinetics Data

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DOI: 10.1007/11799511_9

Research Groups: Scientific Databases and Visualisation

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Data Integration in the Life Sciences

Book Title: Data Integration in the Life Sciences

Editors: David Hutchison and Takeo Kanade and Josef Kittler and Jon M. Kleinberg and Friedemann Mattern and John C. Mitchell and Moni Naor and Oscar Nierstrasz and C. Pandu Rangan and Bernhard Steffen and Madhu Sudan and Demetri Terzopoulos and Dough Tygar and Moshe Y. Vardi and Gerhard Weikum and Ulf Leser and Felix Naumann and Barbara Eckman

Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Citation: Data Integration in the Life Sciences 4075:94-103,Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Date Published: 2006

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Ulrike Wittig, Martin Golebiewski, Renate Kania, Olga Krebs, Saqib Mir, Andreas Weidemann, Stefanie Anstein, Jasmin Saric, Isabel Rojas

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Wittig, U., Golebiewski, M., Kania, R., Krebs, O., Mir, S., Weidemann, A., Anstein, S., Saric, J., & Rojas, I. (2006). SABIO-RK: Integration and Curation of Reaction Kinetics Data. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 94–103). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

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Created: 25th Nov 2021 at 07:52

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:24

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