ReStoRunT: Simple Recording, Storing, Running and Tracing changes in Spreadsheets


In addition to the ubiquitous big data, one key challenge indata processing and management in the life sciences is the diversity ofsmall data. Diverse pieces of small data have to be transformed intostandards-compliant data. Here, the challenge lies not in the difficulty ofsingle steps that need to be performed, but rather in the fact that manytransformation tasks are to be performed once or only a few times. Thislimits the time that can be put into automated approaches, which inturn severely limits the verifiability of such transformations.As much of the data to be processed is stored in spreadsheets, withinthis paper we justify and propose a lightweight recording-based solutionthat works on a wide variety of spreadsheet programs, from MicrosoftExcel to Google Docs.


DOI: 10.18420/BTW2023-57

Research Groups: Scientific Databases and Visualisation

Publication type: Journal

Journal: BTW 2023

Book Title: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, Volume P-331

Editors: König-Ries, B., Scherzinger, S., Lehner, W. & Vossen, G.

Publisher: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Citation: In: König-Ries, B., Scherzinger, S., Lehner, W. & Vossen, G. (Hrsg.), BTW 2023. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. DOI: 10.18420/BTW2023-57

Date Published: 23rd Feb 2023


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Authors: Wolfgang Müller, Lukrecia Mertova

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Wolfgang, M., & Mertová, L. (2023). ReStoRunT: Simple Recording, Storing, Running and Tracing changes in Spreadsheets.

Views: 1903

Created: 23rd May 2023 at 08:50

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:25

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