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Author: Lakshmi V. Padmavathi Pulagam

Date Published: 2003

Publication Type: Master's Thesis


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Author: Gunter F. Neumann

Date Published: 2003

Publication Type: Diplom Thesis

Abstract (Expand)

In this paper we present the design of the control software for the LBT NIR spectroscopic Utility with Camera and Integral- Field Unit for Extragalactic Research (LUCIFER) which is one of the first-light instruments for the Large Bin-ocular Telescope (LBT) on Mt. Graham, Arizona. The LBT will be equipped with two identical LUCIFER instruments for both mirrors. Furthermore we give an overview of the intended hardware structure of the instrument. Since the project requires a detailed and exact modeling of the software we present UML diagrams starting with an overall model down to use case, activity and class diagrams including an example for one special instrument unit.

Authors: Marcus Jütte, Kai L. Polsterer, Michael Lehmitz, Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar

Date Published: 13th Dec 2002

Publication Type: Journal


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Authors: Walter Seifert, Immo Appenzeller, Harald Baumeister, Peter Bizenberger, Dominik Bomans, Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Bernard Grimm, Tom Herbst, Reiner Hofmann, Marcus Juette, Werner Laun, Michael Lehmitz, Roland Lemke, Rainer Lenzen, Holger Mandel, K. Polsterer, Ralf-Rainer Rohloff, A. Schuetze, Andreas Seltmann, Niranjan A. Thatte, Peter Weiser, Wenli Xu

Date Published: 22nd Aug 2002

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

To provide support for the analysis of biochemical pathways a database system based on a model that represents the characteristics of the domain is needed. This domain has proven to be difficult to model by using conventional data modelling techniques. We are building an ontology for biochemical pathways, which acts as the basis for the generation of a database on the same domain, allowing the definition of complex queries and complex data representation. The ontology is used as a modelling and analysis tool which allows the expression of complex semantics based on a first-order logic representation language. The induction capabilities of the system can help the scientist in formulating and testing research hypotheses that are difficult to express with the standard relational database mechanisms. An ontology representing the shared formalisation of the knowledge in a scientific domain can also be used as data integration tool clarifying the mapping of concepts to the developers of different databases. In this paper we describe the general structure of our system, concentrating on the ontology-based database as the key component of the system.

Authors: I. Rojas, L. Bernardi, E. Ratsch, R. Kania, U. Wittig, J. Saric

Date Published: 18th Jun 2002

Publication Type: Journal


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Authors: Eric Deprez, Edward Gill, Volkhard Helms, Rebecca C Wade, Gaston Hui Bon Hoa

Date Published: 2002

Publication Type: Journal


Not specified

Authors: Ting Wang, Rebecca C. Wade

Date Published: 2002

Publication Type: Journal

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