A Comparison of Aqueous Solvent Models Used in the Calculation of the Raman and ROA spectra of L-alanine

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SEEK ID: https://publications.h-its.org/publications/761

DOI: 10.1016/S0301-0104(01)00267-1

Research Groups: Molecular and Cellular Modeling

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Chem. Phys.

Citation: Chemical Physics 265(2):125-151

Date Published: 2001

Registered Mode: imported from a bibtex file

Authors: K.J Jalkanen, R.M Nieminen, K Frimand, J Bohr, H Bohr, R.C Wade, E Tajkhorshid, S Suhai

Jalkanen, K. J., Nieminen, R. M., Frimand, K., Bohr, J., Bohr, H., Wade, R. C., Tajkhorshid, E., & Suhai, S. (2001). A comparison of aqueous solvent models used in the calculation of the Raman and ROA spectra of l-alanine. In Chemical Physics (Vol. 265, Issue 2, pp. 125–151). Elsevier BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0301-0104(01)00267-1

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Created: 13th Dec 2019 at 10:20

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:24

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