LUCIFER: a Multi-Mode NIR Instrument for the LBT

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DOI: 10.1117/12.459494

Research Groups: Astroinformatics

Publication type: Journal

Citation: Instrument Design and Performance for Optical/Infrared Ground-based Telescopes,p.962,SPIE

Date Published: 22nd Aug 2002

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Walter Seifert, Immo Appenzeller, Harald Baumeister, Peter Bizenberger, Dominik Bomans, Ralf-Juergen Dettmar, Bernard Grimm, Tom Herbst, Reiner Hofmann, Marcus Juette, Werner Laun, Michael Lehmitz, Roland Lemke, Rainer Lenzen, Holger Mandel, K. Polsterer, Ralf-Rainer Rohloff, A. Schuetze, Andreas Seltmann, Niranjan A. Thatte, Peter Weiser, Wenli Xu

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Seifert, W., Appenzeller, I., Baumeister, H., Bizenberger, P., Bomans, D., Dettmar, R.-J., Grimm, B., Herbst, T., Hofmann, R., Juette, M., Laun, W., Lehmitz, M., Lemke, R., Lenzen, R., Mandel, H., Polsterer, K., Rohloff, R.-R., Schuetze, A., Seltmann, A., … Xu, W. (2003). LUCIFER: a Multi-Mode NIR Instrument for the LBT. In M. Iye & A. F. M. Moorwood (Eds.), SPIE Proceedings. SPIE.

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Created: 18th Oct 2019 at 09:51

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:23

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