Inter-subunit interactions drive divergent dynamics in mammalian and \textitPlasmodium actin filaments

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DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2005345

Research Groups: Molecular and Cellular Modeling

Publication type: Journal

Journal: PLoS biology

Publisher: Public Library of Science

Citation: PLoS Biol 16(7):e2005345

Date Published: 16th Jul 2018

Registered Mode: imported from a bibtex file

Authors: Ross G. Douglas, Prajwal Nandekar, Julia-Elisabeth Aktories, Hirdesh Kumar, Rebekka Weber, Julia M. Sattler, Mirko Singer, Simone Lepper, S. Kashif Sadiq, Rebecca C. Wade, Friedrich Frischknecht

Douglas, R. G., Nandekar, P., Aktories, J.-E., Kumar, H., Weber, R., Sattler, J. M., Singer, M., Lepper, S., Sadiq, S. K., Wade, R. C., & Frischknecht, F. (2018). Inter-subunit interactions drive divergent dynamics in mammalian and Plasmodium actin filaments. In L. Machesky (Ed.), PLOS Biology (Vol. 16, Issue 7, p. e2005345). Public Library of Science (PLoS).

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Created: 7th Sep 2019 at 12:16

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:23

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