Analysis and comparison of metabolic pathway databases.


Enormous amounts of data result from genome sequencing projects and new experimental methods. Within this tremendous amount of genomic data 30-40 per cent of the genes being identified in an organism remain unknown in terms of their biological function. As a consequence of this lack of information the overall schema of all the biological functions occurring in a specific organism cannot be properly represented. To understand the functional properties of the genomic data more experimental data must be collected. A pathway database is an effort to handle the current knowledge of biochemical pathways and in addition can be used for interpretation of sequence data. Some of the existing pathway databases can be interpreted as detailed functional annotations of genomes because they are tightly integrated with genomic information. However, experimental data are often lacking in these databases. This paper summarises a list of pathway databases and some of their corresponding biological databases, and also focuses on information about the content and the structure of these databases, the organisation of the data and the reliability of stored information from a biological point of view. Moreover, information about the representation of the pathway data and tools to work with the data are given. Advantages and disadvantages of the analysed databases are pointed out, and an overview to biological scientists on how to use these pathway databases is given.


PubMed ID: 11465731

Research Groups: Scientific Databases and Visualisation

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Brief Bioinform

Citation: Brief Bioinform. 2001 May;2(2):126-42.

Date Published: 24th Jul 2001

Registered Mode: Not specified

Authors: U. Wittig, A. De Beuckelaer

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Views: 7119

Created: 8th Nov 2017 at 10:45

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:23

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