Myotubularin-related-protein-7 inhibits mutant (G12V) K-RAS by direct interaction

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DOI: 10.1016/j.canlet.2024.216783

Research Groups: Molecular and Cellular Modeling

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Cancer Letters

Citation: Cancer Letters 588:216783

Date Published: 1st Apr 2024

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Philip Weidner, Daniel Saar, Michaela Söhn, Torsten Schroeder, Yanxiong Yu, Frank G. Zöllner, Norbert Ponelies, Xiaobo Zhou, André Zwicky, Florian N. Rohrbacher, Vijaya R. Pattabiraman, Matthias Tanriver, Alexander Bauer, Hazem Ahmed, Simon M. Ametamey, Philipp Riffel, Rony Seger, Jeffrey W. Bode, Rebecca C. Wade, Matthias P.A. Ebert, Birthe B. Kragelund, Elke Burgermeister

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Weidner, P., Saar, D., Söhn, M., Schroeder, T., Yu, Y., Zöllner, F. G., Ponelies, N., Zhou, X., Zwicky, A., Rohrbacher, F. N., Pattabiraman, V. R., Tanriver, M., Bauer, A., Ahmed, H., Ametamey, S. M., Riffel, P., Seger, R., Bode, J. W., Wade, R. C., … Burgermeister, E. (2024). Myotubularin-related-protein-7 inhibits mutant (G12V) K-RAS by direct interaction. In Cancer Letters (Vol. 588, p. 216783). Elsevier BV.

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Created: 7th May 2024 at 17:30

Last updated: 7th May 2024 at 17:30

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