Understanding and exploiting interfacial interactions between phosphonic acid functional groups and co-evaporated perovskites


Interfacial engineering has fueled recent development of p-i-n perovskite solar cells (PSCs), with self-assembled monolayer-based hole-transport layers (SAM-HTLs) enabling almost lossless contacts for solution-processed PSCs, resulting in the highest achieved power conversion efficiency (PCE) to date. Substrate interfaces are particularly crucial for the growth and quality of co-evaporated PSCs. However, adoption of SAM-HTLs for co-evaporated perovskite absorbers is complicated by the underexplored interaction of such perovskites with phosphonic acid functional groups. In this work, we highlight how exposed phosphonic acid functional groups impact the initial phase and final bulk crystal structures of co-evaporated perovskites and their resultant PCE. The explored surface interaction is mediated by hydrogen bonding with interfacial iodine, leading to increased formamidinium iodide adsorption, persistent changes in perovskite structure, and stabilization of bulk α-FAPbI3, hypothesized as being due to kinetic trapping. Our results highlight the potential of exploiting substrates to increase control of co-evaporated perovskite growth.

SEEK ID: https://publications.h-its.org/publications/1816

Filename: 2024_Feeney_Matter.pdf 

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SEEK ID: https://publications.h-its.org/publications/1816

DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2024.02.004

Research Groups: Computational Carbon Chemistry

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Matter

Citation: Matter,S2590238524000675

Date Published: 1st Mar 2024

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Thomas Feeney, Julian Petry, Abderrezak Torche, Dirk Hauschild, Benjamin Hacene, Constantin Wansorra, Alexander Diercks, Michelle Ernst, Lothar Weinhardt, Clemens Heske, Ganna Gryn’ova, Ulrich W. Paetzold, Paul Fassl

help Submitter
Feeney, T., Petry, J., Torche, A., Hauschild, D., Hacene, B., Wansorra, C., Diercks, A., Ernst, M., Weinhardt, L., Heske, C., Gryn’ova, G., Paetzold, U. W., & Fassl, P. (2024). Understanding and exploiting interfacial interactions between phosphonic acid functional groups and co-evaporated perovskites. In Matter. Elsevier BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matt.2024.02.004

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Created: 11th Mar 2024 at 11:12

Last updated: 11th Mar 2024 at 11:15

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