Bioschemas Resource Index for Chem and Plants

      As part of the BioHackathon Europe 2023, we here report on the progress of the hacking team preparing a resource index and knowledge graph based on the JSON-LD Bioschemas markup from several resources in the life- and natural sciences, predominantly from the fields of plant- and (bio)chemistry research. This preliminary analysis will allow us to better understand how Bioschemas markup is currently used in these two communities, so we can take actions to improve guidelines and validation on the Bioschemas markup and the data providers side. The lessons learnt will be useful for other communities as well. The ultimate goal is facilitating and improving interoperability across resources.


Date Published: 30th Jan 2024

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Daniel Arend, Alessio Del Conte, Manuel Feser, Yojana Gadiya, Alban Gaignard, Leyla Jael Castro, Ivan Mičetić, Sebastien Moretti, Steffen Neumann, Noura Rayya, Ginger Tsueng, Egon Willighagen, Ulrike Wittig

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Arend, D., Del Conte, A., Feser, M., Gadiya, Y., Gaignard, A., Castro, L. J., Mičetić, I., Moretti, S., Neumann, S., Rayya, N., Tsueng, G., Willighagen, E., & Wittig, U. (2024). Bioschemas Resource Index for Chem and Plants. In []. Center for Open Science.

Views: 836

Created: 5th Feb 2024 at 08:59

Last updated: 8th Mar 2024 at 07:20

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