Asteroseismic Inversions for Internal Sound Speed Profiles of Main-sequence Stars with Radiative Cores


The theoretical oscillation frequencies of even the best asteroseismic models of solar-like oscillators show significant differences from observed oscillation frequencies. Structure inversions seek to use these frequency differences to infer the underlying differences in stellar structure. While used extensively to study the Sun, structure inversion results for other stars have so far been limited. Applying sound speed inversions to more stars allows us to probe stellar theory over a larger range of conditions, as well as look for overall patterns that may hint at deficits in our current understanding. To that end, we present structure inversion results for 12 main-sequence solar-type stars with masses between 1 and 1.15M⊙. Our inversions are able to infer differences in the isothermal sound speed in the innermost 30% by radius of our target stars. In half of our target stars, the structure of our best-fit model fully agrees with the observations. In the remainder, the inversions reveal significant differences between the sound speed profile of the star and that of the model. We find five stars where the sound speed in the core of our stellar models is too low and one star showing the opposite behavior. For the two stars in which our inversions reveal the most significant differences, we examine whether changing the microphysics of our models improves them and find that changes to nuclear reaction rates or core opacities can reduce, but do not fully resolve, the differences.


DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ad1680

Research Groups: Theory and Observations of Stars

Publication type: Journal

Journal: The Astrophysical Journal

Citation: ApJ 961(2):198

Date Published: 26th Jan 2024

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Lynn Buchele, Earl P. Bellinger, Saskia Hekker, Sarbani Basu, Warrick Ball, Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard

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Buchele, L., Bellinger, E. P., Hekker, S., Basu, S., Ball, W., & Christensen-Dalsgaard, J. (2024). Asteroseismic Inversions for Internal Sound Speed Profiles of Main-sequence Stars with Radiative Cores. In The Astrophysical Journal (Vol. 961, Issue 2, p. 198). American Astronomical Society.

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Created: 26th Jan 2024 at 12:57

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:25

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