Context: Asteroseismic observations of internal stellar rotation have indicated a substantial lack of angular momentum transport in theoretical models of subgiant and red-giant stars. Accurate core and surface rotation rate measurements are therefore needed to constrain the internal transport processes included in the models. Aims: We eliminate substantial systematic errors of asteroseismic surface rotation rates found in previous studies. Methods: We propose a new objective function for the optimally localised averages method of rotational inversions for red-giant stars, which results in more accurate envelope rotation rate estimates obtained from the same data. We use synthetic observations from stellar models across a range of evolutionary stages and masses to demonstrate the improvement. Results: We find that our new inversion technique allows us to obtain estimates of the surface rotation rate that are independent of the core rotation. For a star at the base of the red-giant branch, we reduce the systematic error from about 20% to a value close to 0, assuming constant envelope rotation. We also show the equivalence between this method and the method of linearised rotational splittings. Conclusions: Our new rotational inversion method substantially reduces the systematic errors of red-giant surface rotation rates. In combination with independent measures of the surface rotation rate, this will allow better constraints to be set on the internal rotation profile. This will be a very important probe for further constraining the internal angular momentum transport along the lower part of the red-giant branch.
SEEK ID: https://publications.h-its.org/publications/1705
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202142510
Research Groups: Theory and Observations of Stars
Publication type: Journal
Journal: Astronomy & Astrophysics
Citation: A&A 668:A98
Date Published: 1st Dec 2022
Registered Mode: by DOI

Views: 3019
Created: 22nd Sep 2023 at 08:18
Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:25

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