SN 2021zny: an early flux excess combined with late-time oxygen emission suggests a double white dwarf merger event

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DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad536

Research Groups: Physics of Stellar Objects

Publication type: Journal

Journal: \mnras

Citation: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 521(1):1162-1183

Date Published: 1st May 2023

Registered Mode: imported from a bibtex file

Authors: Georgios Dimitriadis, Kate Maguire, Viraj R. Karambelkar, Ryan J. Lebron, Chang Liu, Alexandra Kozyreva, Adam A. Miller, Ryan Ridden-Harper, Joseph P. Anderson, Ting-Wan Chen, Michael Coughlin, Massimo Della Valle, Andrew Drake, Lluı́s Galbany, Mariusz Gromadzki, Steven L. Groom, Claudia P. Gutiérrez, Nada Ihanec, Cosimo Inserra, Joel Johansson, Tomás E. Müller-Bravo, Matt Nicholl, Abigail Polin, Ben Rusholme, Steve Schulze, Jesper Sollerman, Shubham Srivastav, Kirsty Taggart, Qinan Wang, Yi Yang, David R. Young

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Dimitriadis, G., Maguire, K., Karambelkar, V. R., Lebron, R. J., Liu (刘 畅) Chang, Kozyreva, A., Miller, A. A., Ridden-Harper, R., Anderson, J. P., Chen, T.-W., Coughlin, M., Valle, M. D., Drake, A., Galbany, L., Gromadzki, M., Groom, S. L., Gutiérrez, C. P., Ihanec, N., Inserra, C., … Young, D. R. (2023). SN 2021zny: an early flux excess combined with late-time oxygen emission suggests a double white dwarf merger event. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Vol. 521, Issue 1, pp. 1162–1183). Oxford University Press (OUP).

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Created: 19th May 2023 at 08:02

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:25

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