SABIO-RK is a database for biochemical reactions and their kinetics. Data in SABIO-RK are inherently multidimensional and complex. The complex relationships between the data are often difficult to follow or even not represented when using standard tabular views. With an increasing number of data points the mismatch between tables and insights becomes more obvious, and getting an overview of the data becomes harder. Such complex data benefit from being presented using specially adapted visual tools. Visualization is a natural and user-friendly way to quickly get an overview of the data and to detect clusters and outliers. Here, we describe the implementation of a variety of visualization concepts into a common interface within the SABIO-RK biochemical reaction kinetics database. For that purpose, we use a heat map, parallel coordinates and scatter plots to allow the interactive visual exploration of general entry-based information of biochemical reactions and specific kinetic parameter values. Database URL https://sabiork.h-its.org/.
SEEK ID: https://publications.h-its.org/publications/1656
PubMed ID: 37002681
Research Groups: Scientific Databases and Visualisation
Publication type: Journal
Journal: Database (Oxford)
Citation: Database (Oxford). 2023 Mar 31;2023:baad011. doi: 10.1093/database/baad011.
Date Published: 31st Mar 2023
Registered Mode: by PubMed ID

Views: 3698
Created: 20th Apr 2023 at 14:14
Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:25

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