MatchTope: A tool to predict the cross reactivity of peptides complexed with Major Histocompatibility Complex I

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DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.930590

Research Groups: Molecular and Cellular Modeling

Publication type: Journal

Journal: Frontiers in Immunology

Citation: Front. Immunol. 13,930590

Date Published: 28th Oct 2022

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Marcus Fabiano de Almeida Mendes, Marcelo de Souza Bragatte, Priscila Vianna, Martiela Vaz de Freitas, Ina Pöhner, Stefan Richter, Rebecca C. Wade, Francisco Mauro Salzano, Gustavo Fioravanti Vieira

Mendes, M. F. de A., de Souza Bragatte, M., Vianna, P., de Freitas, M. V., Pöhner, I., Richter, S., Wade, R. C., Salzano, F. M., & Vieira, G. F. (2022). MatchTope: A tool to predict the cross reactivity of peptides complexed with Major Histocompatibility Complex I. In Frontiers in Immunology (Vol. 13). Frontiers Media SA.

Views: 2435

Created: 31st Oct 2022 at 08:24

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:25

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