The HIV-1 ribonucleoprotein dynamically regulates its condensate behavior and drives acceleration of protease activity through membrane-less granular phase-separation

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Citation: biorxiv;528638v2,[Preprint]

Date Published: 26th Jan 2019

Registered Mode: by DOI

Authors: Sébastien Lyonnais, S. Kashif Sadiq, Cristina Lorca-Oró, Laure Dufau, Sara Nieto-Marquez, Tuixent Escriba, Natalia Gabrielli, Xiao Tan, Mohamed Ouizougun-Oubari, Josephine Okoronkwo, Michèle Reboud-Ravaux, José Maria Gatell, Roland Marquet, Jean-Christophe Paillart, Andreas Meyerhans, Carine Tisné, Robert J. Gorelick, Gilles Mirambeau

Lyonnais, S., Sadiq, S. K., Lorca-Oró, C., Dufau, L., Nieto-Marquez, S., Escriba, T., Gabrielli, N., Tan, X., Ouizougun-Oubari, M., Okoronkwo, J., Reboud-Ravaux, M., Gatell, J. M., Marquet, R., Paillart, J.-C., Meyerhans, A., Tisné, C., Gorelick, R. J., & Mirambeau, G. (2019). The HIV-1 ribonucleoprotein dynamically regulates its condensate behavior and drives acceleration of protease activity through membraneless granular phase separation. In []. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

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Created: 10th Feb 2020 at 13:37

Last updated: 5th Mar 2024 at 21:24

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