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Authors: Finja Büchel, Nicolas Rodriguez, Neil Swainston, Clemens Wrzodek, Tobias Czauderna, Roland Keller, Florian Mittag, Michael Schubert, Mihai Glont, Martin Golebiewski, Martijn van Iersel, Sarah Keating, Matthias Rall, Michael Wybrow, Henning Hermjakob, Michael Hucka, Douglas B Kell, Wolfgang Müller, Pedro Mendes, Andreas Zell, Claudine Chaouiya, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Falk Schreiber, Camille Laibe, Andreas Dräger, Nicolas Le Novère

Date Published: 1st Dec 2013

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

The scientific literature contains a tremendous amount of kinetic data describing the dynamic behaviour of biochemical reactions over time. These data are needed for computational modelling to create models of biochemical reaction networks and to obtain a better understanding of the processes in living cells. To extract the knowledge from the literature, biocurators are required to understand a paper and interpret the data. For modellers, as well as experimentalists, this process is very time consuming because the information is distributed across the publication and, in most cases, is insufficiently structured and often described without standard terminology. In recent years, biological databases for different data types have been developed. The advantages of these databases lie in their unified structure, searchability and the potential for augmented analysis by software, which supports the modelling process. We have developed the SABIO-RK database for biochemical reaction kinetics. In the present review, we describe the challenges for database developers and curators, beginning with an analysis of relevant publications up to the export of database information in a standardized format. The aim of the present review is to draw the experimentalist's attention to the problem (from a data integration point of view) of incompletely and imprecisely written publications. We describe how to lower the barrier to curators and improve this situation. At the same time, we are aware that curating experimental data takes time. There is a community concerned with making the task of publishing data with the proper structure and annotation to ontologies much easier. In this respect, we highlight some useful initiatives and tools.

Authors: U. Wittig, M. Rey, R. Kania, M. Bittkowski, L. Shi, M. Golebiewski, A. Weidemann, W. Muller, I. Rojas

Date Published: 30th Oct 2013

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

In systems biology, quantitative experimental data is the basis of building mathematical models. In most of the cases, they are stored in Excel files and hosted locally. To have a public database for collecting, retrieving and citing experimental raw data as well as experimental conditions is important for both experimentalists and modelers. However, the great effort needed in the data handling procedure and in the data submission procedure becomes the crucial limitation for experimentalists to contribute to a database, thereby impeding the database to deliver its benefit. Moreover, manual copy and paste operations which are commonly used in those procedures increase the chance of making mistakes. Excemplify, a web-based application, proposes a flexible and adaptable template-based solution to solve these problems. Comparing to the normal template based uploading approach, which is supported by some public databases, rather than predefining a format that is potentiall impractical, Excemplify allows users to create their own experiment-specific content templates in different experiment stages and to build corresponding knowledge bases for parsing. Utilizing the embedded knowledge of used templates, Excemplify is able to parse experimental data from the initial setup stage and generate following stages spreadsheets automatically. The proposed solution standardizes the flows of data traveling according to the standard procedures of applying the experiment, cuts down the amount of manual effort and reduces the chance of mistakes caused by manual data handling. In addition, it maintains the context of meta-data from the initial preparation manuscript and improves the data consistency. It interoperates and complements RightField and SEEK as well.

Authors: L. Shi, L. Jong, U. Wittig, P. Lucarelli, M. Stepath, S. Mueller, L. A. D'Alessandro, U. Klingmuller, W. Muller

Date Published: 4th Apr 2013

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

SABIO-RK ( is a web-accessible database storing comprehensive information about biochemical reactions and their kinetic properties. SABIO-RK offers standardized data manually extracted from the literature and data directly submitted from lab experiments. The database content includes kinetic parameters in relation to biochemical reactions and their biological sources with no restriction on any particular set of organisms. Additionally, kinetic rate laws and corresponding equations as well as experimental conditions are represented. All the data are manually curated and annotated by biological experts, supported by automated consistency checks. SABIO-RK can be accessed via web-based user interfaces or automatically via web services that allow direct data access by other tools. Both interfaces support the export of the data together with its annotations in SBML (Systems Biology Markup Language), e.g. for import in modelling tools.

Authors: U. Wittig, R. Kania, M. Golebiewski, M. Rey, L. Shi, L. Jong, E. Algaa, A. Weidemann, H. Sauer-Danzwith, S. Mir, O. Krebs, M. Bittkowski, E. Wetsch, I. Rojas, W. Muller

Date Published: 22nd Nov 2011

Publication Type: Journal


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Authors: Mélanie Courtot, Nick Juty, Christian Knüpfer, Dagmar Waltemath, Anna Zhukova, Andreas Dräger, Michel Dumontier, Andrew Finney, Martin Golebiewski, Janna Hastings, Stefan Hoops, Sarah Keating, Douglas B Kell, Samuel Kerrien, James Lawson, Allyson Lister, James Lu, Rainer Machne, Pedro Mendes, Matthew Pocock, Nicolas Rodriguez, Alice Villeger, Darren J Wilkinson, Sarala Wimalaratne, Camille Laibe, Michael Hucka, Nicolas Le Novère

Date Published: 2011

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

A limited number of publicly available resources provide access to enzyme kinetic parameters. These have been compiled through manual data mining of published papers, not from the original, raw experimental data from which the parameters were calculated. This is largely due to the lack of software or standards to support the capture, analysis, storage and dissemination of such experimental data. Introduced here is an integrative system to manage experimental enzyme kinetics data from instrument to browser. The approach is based on two interrelated databases: the existing SABIO-RK database, containing kinetic data and corresponding metadata, and the newly introduced experimental raw data repository, MeMo-RK. Both systems are publicly available by web browser and web service interfaces and are configurable to ensure privacy of unpublished data. Users of this system are provided with the ability to view both kinetic parameters and the experimental raw data from which they are calculated, providing increased confidence in the data. A data analysis and submission tool, the kineticswizard, has been developed to allow the experimentalist to perform data collection, analysis and submission to both data resources. The system is designed to be extensible, allowing integration with other manufacturer instruments covering a range of analytical techniques.

Authors: N. Swainston, M. Golebiewski, H. L. Messiha, N. Malys, R. Kania, S. Kengne, O. Krebs, S. Mir, H. Sauer-Danzwith, K. Smallbone, A. Weidemann, U. Wittig, D. B. Kell, P. Mendes, W. Muller, N. W. Paton, I. Rojas

Date Published: 27th Aug 2010

Publication Type: Journal


Not specified

Authors: A. Drager, H. Planatscher, D. Motsou Wouamba, A. Schroder, M. Hucka, L. Endler, M. Golebiewski, W. Muller, A. Zell

Date Published: 14th May 2009

Publication Type: Journal

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