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This document created within the European Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the EDITH (Ecosystem Digital Twins in Healthcare) project describes the current landscape of formatting and description standards, terminologies and metadata guidelines for virtual human twins (VHTs). It refers to corresponding biomedical data, simulation models and workflows, as well as their metadata relevant for the definition, implementation, and simulation of Digital Twins in Healthcare (DTHs). It comprises both, ISO and community standards and lists the relevant standards and terminologies describing the modelling process, the integration of domain-specific medical research data with routine data from electronic health records, the documentation of data provenance, the validation process for biomedical, physiological, bio-signaling and other healthcare data and models. The document also reveals needs and gaps in the current standards landscape to drive the further development of such standards. Therefore, remarks and comments on how to improve existing standards or on areas for which standards are still missing are very welcome.

Author: Gerhard Mayer, Martin Golebiewski

Date Published: 17th Jan 2024

Publication Type: Tech report

Abstract (Expand)

This document provides a guideline for using and implementing standards, terminologies, and metadata guidelines when setting up, executing, and archiving virtual human twins. It is created within thehe European Coordination and Support Action (CSA) of the EDITH (Ecosystem Digital Twins in Healthcare) project. The aim of this implementation guide is two-fold: First it gives hints to the modelers, which steps they should follow in the model building process and which standards, terminologies, and guidelines (depending on their modelling domain) they should use in defining their biomedical and healthcare models. Second it is intended as a practical guide for implementers giving hints, which standards, terminologies, and guidelines should be supported in the long-term by the simulation environment consisting of the repository, the simulation platform, and the workflow execution engines. Initially it suffices if they support all formats and annotations used by the demonstrator use cases. To get an overview and access information on the standards, terminologies, and metadata guidelines referenced in this document, there also is an EDITH FairSharing collection available:

Author: Gerhard Mayer, Martin Golebiewski

Date Published: 17th Jan 2024

Publication Type: Tech report

Abstract (Expand)

The VHT Roadmap is due – in its final version – by the end of the EDITH Coordination and Support Action (i.e., September 2024). The present document is the first draft of the Roadmap, This preliminaryy version of the Roadmap was planned in EDITH’s Grant Agreement as an initial contribution to the internal decision-making process of the European Commission. It has the declared purpose of allowing the Commission to start specifying already at an early stage by what steps the goal of pursuing the development of a VHT-based healthcare will be likely to trigger an effective engagement of Europe’s researchers, clinicians, industries, and regulators. This interim version is therefore meant to highlight what is currently the envisioned structure of what will be in a year time the final roadmap and its main contents, leaving open the possibility that these contents can still be subject to both substantial and formal changes, in response to suggestions coming from both the European Commission and from different sectors of the broadening community of practice that the EDITH CSA is addressing. In consideration of these double-edge purposes, this preliminary draft aims to capture the main concepts and the overall approach of the VHT Roadmap, while also identifying relevant challenges (from the perspective of research, infrastructure, and other specific aspects) that need to be addressed in the remaining year of the EDITH CSA (and beyond) and which will require further analysis, with the support of the whole VHT Community. For the technology, standards, regulatory, and legal aspects, the draft provides an overview of the state of the art and an analysis of VHT-specific needs, without determining as yet any conclusive choice. Given the evolving nature of this document, the submitted text will again be made publicly available for further comments and feedback, in view of possibly including valuable inputs in a next version. For general discussions, we encourage everyone to use the slack channel on the In silico World Community of Practice (ISW_CoP: Critical remarks are welcome, as well as additional contributions, but also comments highlighting what sections are particularly appreciated will definitely help. if you would like to stay updated on EDITH's progress, you can enter your details via the contact form on the website:

Author: Gerhard Mayer, Martin Golebiewski

Date Published: 31st Jul 2023

Publication Type: Misc

Abstract (Expand)

The present document is the first written presentation of the Virtual Human Twin (VHT) vision as it has been prepared by the EDITH consortium and discussed with select representatives of the wider ecosystem. After a brief statement on the genesis of the vision, the document is composed of two main parts: the outline of the VHT roadmap and the elaboration of the vision for the integrated Virtual Human Twin.

Author: Gerhard Mayer, Martin Golebiewski

Date Published: 31st Mar 2023

Publication Type: Misc

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