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Authors: G. Leidi, R. Andrassy, W. Barsukow, J. Higl, P. V. F. Edelmann, F. K. Röpke

Date Published: 1st Jun 2024

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

There is strong observational evidence that the convective cores of intermediate-mass and massive main sequence stars are substantially larger than those predicted by standard stellar-evolution models. However, it is unclear what physical processes cause this phenomenon or how to predict the extent and stratification of stellar convective boundary layers. Convective penetration is a thermal-timescale process that is likely to be particularly relevant during the slow evolution on the main sequence. We use our low-Mach-number SEVEN-LEAGUE HYDRO code to study this process in 2.5D and 3D geometries. Starting with a chemically homogeneous model of a 15  M⊙ zero-age main sequence star, we construct a series of simulations with the luminosity increased and opacity decreased by the same factor, ranging from 10^3 to 10^6. After reaching thermal equilibrium, all of our models show a clear penetration layer; its thickness becomes statistically constant in time and it is shown to converge upon grid refinement. The penetration layer becomes nearly adiabatic with a steep transition to a radiative stratification in simulations at the lower end of our luminosity range. This structure corresponds to the adiabatic ‘step overshoot’ model often employed in stellar-evolution calculations. The simulations with the highest and lowest luminosity differ by less than a factor of two in the penetration distance. The high computational cost of 3D simulations makes our current 3D data set rather sparse. Depending on how we extrapolate the 3D data to the actual luminosity of the initial stellar model, we obtain penetration distances ranging from 0.09 to 0.44 pressure scale heights, which is broadly compatible with observations.

Authors: R. Andrassy, G. Leidi, J. Higl, P. V. F. Edelmann, F. R. N. Schneider, F. K. Röpke

Date Published: 1st Mar 2024

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

The merger of a white dwarf (WD) and a neutron star (NS) is a relatively common event that will produce an observable electromagnetic signal. Furthermore, the compactness of these stellar objects makes them an interesting candidate for gravitational wave (GW) astronomy, potentially being in the frequency range of LISA and other missions. To date, three-dimensional simulations of these mergers have not fully modelled the WD disruption, or have used lower resolutions and have not included magnetic fields even though they potentially shape the evolution of the merger remnant. In this work, we simulate the merger of a 1.4M_⊙NS with a 1M_⊙carbon oxygen WD in the magnetohydrodynamic moving mesh code \AREPO. We find that the disruption of the WD forms an accretion disk around the NS, and the subsequent accretion by the NS powers the launch of strongly magnetized, mildly relativistic jets perpendicular to the orbital plane. Although the exact properties of the jets could be altered by unresolved physics around the NS, the event could result in a transient with a larger luminosity than kilonovae. We discuss possible connections to fast blue optical transients (FBOTs) and long-duration gamma-ray bursts. We find that the frequency of GWs released during the merger is too high to be detectable by the LISA mission, but suitable for deci-hertz observatories such as LGWA, BBO or DECIGO.

Authors: J. Moran-Fraile, F. K. Roepke, R. Pakmor, M. A. Aloy, S. T. Ohlmann, F. R. N. Schneider, G. Leidi

Date Published: 5th Jan 2024

Publication Type: Journal


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Authors: Javier Morán-Fraile, Friedrich K. Röpke, Rüdiger Pakmor, Miguel A. Aloy, Sebastian T. Ohlmann, Fabian R. N. Schneider, Giovanni Leidi, Georgios Lioutas

Date Published: 2024

Publication Type: Journal

Abstract (Expand)

Convection is one of the most important mixing processes in stellar interiors. Hydrodynamic mass entrainment can bring fresh fuel from neighboring stable layers into a convection zone, modifying theconvection zone, modifying the structure and evolution of the star. Because flows in stellar convection zones are highly turbulent, multidimensional hydrodynamic simulations are fundamental to accurately capture the physics of mixing processes. Under some conditions, strong magnetic fields can be sustained by the action of a turbulent dynamo, adding another layer of complexity and possibly altering the dynamics in the convection zone and at its boundaries. In this study, we used our fully compressible S EVEN -L EAGUE H YDRO code to run detailed and highly resolved three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of turbulent convection, dynamo amplification, and convective boundary mixing in a simplified setup whose stratification is similar to that of an oxygen-burning shell in a star with an initial mass of 25 M ⊙ . We find that the random stretching of magnetic field lines by fluid motions in the inertial range of the turbulent spectrum (i.e., a small-scale dynamo) naturally amplifies the seed field by several orders of magnitude in a few convective turnover timescales. During the subsequent saturated regime, the magnetic-to-kinetic energy ratio inside the convective shell reaches values as high as 0.33, and the average magnetic field strength is ∼10 10 G. Such strong fields efficiently suppress shear instabilities, which feed the turbulent cascade of kinetic energy, on a wide range of spatial scales. The resulting convective flows are characterized by thread-like structures that extend over a large fraction of the convective shell. The reduced flow speeds and the presence of magnetic fields with strengths up to 60% of the equipartition value at the upper convective boundary diminish the rate of mass entrainment from the stable layer by ≈20% as compared to the purely hydrodynamic case.

Authors: G. Leidi, R. Andrassy, J. Higl, P. V. F. Edelmann, F. K. Röpke

Date Published: 1st Nov 2023

Publication Type: Journal


Not specified

Authors: G. Leidi, C. Birke, R. Andrassy, J. Higl, P. V. F. Edelmann, G. Wiest, C. Klingenberg, F. K. Röpke

Date Published: 1st Dec 2022

Publication Type: Journal

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