HITS-Publication-SEEK: The better way to manage your data
Free and open platform for easier research data management
Welcome to HITS Publication SEEK
As of March 2020, all HITS publications have to be collected using the SEEK (a tool by the SDBV group).
HITS uses SEEK to keep a general overview over all HITS publications and to extract them for the HITS website, the HITS annual report as well as for other purposes. In order to keep everything up to date, we kindly ask you to add all your latest publications immediately into the HITS Publication SEEK database.
The SEEK User Guide can be found at here.
And a further instruction can be found on the HITS Intranet.
Latest additions
Scalable stellar evolution forecasting — Deep learning emulation versus hierarchical nearest-neighbor interpolation
Publication - added 3 days agoPhylourny: Efficiently calculating elimination tournament win probabilities via phylogenetic methods
Publication - added 3 days agoAutomatic miscalibration diagnosis: Interpreting probability integral transform (PIT) histograms
Publication - added 3 days agoGravitational-wave model for neutron star merger remnants with supervised learning
Publication - added 4 days agoDiscovery of a septuple protostellar system--implications for the origin of extreme high-order multiplicity
Publication - added 9 days agoHot Jupiter engulfment by an early red giant in 3D hydrodynamics
Publication - added 9 days agoExpected insights into Type Ia supernovae from LISA’s gravitational wave observations
Publication - added 9 days agoThe Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna: mission studies and science case
Publication - added 9 days agoReevaluating LSST’s Capability for Time Delay Measurements in Quasar Accretion Disks
Publication - added 9 days agoStatistical postprocessing of numerical weather prediction forecasts using machine learning
Publication - added 10 days ago